
Homemade Baby Food Basics

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Today I am very honored to be guest posting at The Humbled Homemaker!  Here is an excerpt from my post about homemade baby food.
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If you are anything like me, you often try to cut costs here and there.  Making your own baby food is a huge money saver!  Some people get nervous just thinking about it or even think that they could never EVER make their own baby food. But the reality is - IT'S EASY! It also doesn't require fancy kitchen tools (though I'm sure they can be helpful).  Let's also not forget about the many health benefits of HOMEMADE ANYTHING.

I started making my own baby food when my little girl was a baby (and currently make it for my 8 month old).  My husband and I both worked at the time, but he was home with her for the majority of the day while I taught school.  He still comments on how easy it was to pop a cube or two out of the freezer and warm it for her!  He would also help me prepare and mash the food as well.  It's really that simple!

There are several great resources like this one and this one, but here are 5 basic pointers I've learned along the way that will get you started...

To read the rest of this post (and find out some Lexie:Naturals news) visit The Humbled Homemaker's blog!  

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