
Why My Husband Swapped to Natural Deodorant {Written By My Husband}

Today's post comes from my husband and Lexie:Naturals co-conspirator, Stephen McNeill. He will be posting regularly in the future, and I think you'll really enjoy hearing what he has to say (and passing his posts on to any men in your life). This post contains affiliate links.

I am, by nature, a creature of habit.  Until the past few years, I have avoided change in almost any form.  I still have the same cell phone number I used in high school.  I wore the same Led Zeppelin hat exclusively for 13 years.  I only eat one, particular kind of peanut butter and have done so since childhood.  I’ve had the same wallet for 6 years, and that’s only because its predecessor (which I acquired circa 1997) met its soggy end in the washing machine.  

So, when my wonderful wife began making and selling deodorant several years ago, I refused to try it.  I had used the same brand of deodorant since my armpits started to stink in 1994.  How dare she suggest that I break with such a well-established tradition!  After all, the wise, old saying goes, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”  I take pride in the fact that I rarely smell of sweat and body funk, so why would I mess with a successful recipe?  
I’m not sure how she wore down my resistance.  Maybe it’s because I’d watched her make it so many times and admired her handiwork.  Maybe it’s because it smells delightful.  Or maybe it’s just because I love her.  But I decided to try it.  It was a little weird at first because I was used to the old deo’s scent, and I was used to swiping at least 15-20 times (I know, I know).   I didn’t believe her when she said it would only take 1-4 swipes.  But she was right.  It worked.  After a few days, I was used to it, and I’ve never looked back.  Twas the dawn of a new day.

So, if you’re skeptical of trying natural alternatives (and many guys and creatures-of-habit are), I’ll say this: just give it a shot.  Try a more natural deodorant for a week or so.  If you don’t like it, go back to your Speed Stick or your Axe, or better yet, try a different natural alternative.  There are many different natural deodorants out there; you just have to find what works for you.  But know this: if you choose to try Lexie:Deo, remember that there is a dude in Mississippi who overcame a nearly 20-year habit of using store-bought, junk-filled deodorant by just giving something new a shot.  So can you!

You can purchase Lexie:Deo here! Use the code FREESHIP35 to get free shipping on all orders $35 or more (through the end of April 2015).

Disclaimer: I have included affiliate links in this post.  That means that I will get a percentage of any sale made from clicking on a link in this post (at no extra cost to you and sometimes a cheaper cost to you).  Thank you for your support of this blog and my family.

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